What You Measure Matters!
Measure & strengthen the four strands of multiplication DNA in your faith community to make the leap from church maintenance to Gospel movement. The Readiness 360 measures a congregation’s current capacity to multiply disciples who multiply disciples. These four strands are present in faith communities that multiply leaders, ministries, worship and even new faith communities. Readiness 360 has been designed to give useful feedback for congregations who are thinking about creating new places and ministry initiatives for new people in a wide variety of approaches.
Spiritual Intensity. All of the great church movements worldwide are intense spiritually, marked by a deep love for God and a surrendering to what God is seeking to do through human beings. Understanding the degree to which a spiritual fire burns within the hearts and souls of those leading and participating in the life of the church is critical. Is your congregation driven by its passion for Christ?
Missional Alignment. The degree to which a church consistently prioritizes investment of its resources (time, talent, treasure) according to a biblical vision and mission indicates readiness in this dimension. It is critical that your church’s plans, major initiatives and pruning of ministry stem clearly from a biblical vision/mission and drive for fruitfulness instead of from habit. Does your activity flow from your stated values?
Dynamic Relationships. Good habits and skills for leading new persons into a deeper relationship with God through Christ is vital. Healthy congregations work as a system to accomplish this. Your relationships with others directly impact the strength of your evangelism muscle. How dynamic and healthy are your relationships with those inside and outside your church?
Cultural Openness. Since the first century, effective churches have been reaching across cultural boundaries to share the Christian good news with diverse people, who begin with different experiences, perspectives, and stories. Churches that exhibit fortress behaviors or who spend excessive time mourning social change often have difficulty sharing life with new kinds of people. Does your congregation exhibit a capacity for embracing people from diverse cultures?