Sample Emails to Congregations

Below you will find a sample email that you can tailor for your congregation. It is best to have strong participation in the survey so that:

  1. Interest is generated in hearing the results.
  2. People are heard.
  3. While statistically you only need 25 people or 10% of your average worship attendance (whichever is higher), most people aren’t statisticians and trust a higher percentage/number.

Please take your time to make the case for the importance of the survey.

  • Change bold fields at minimum.
  • You will find your survey code in the administrative area under “Manage Surveys.”
  • The “click here” html code includes a link to the page where your congregation will take the survey (

SAMPLE EMAIL: (copy/paste)

We are taking seriously our call to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. One thing we are considering is… <<insert your idea or desire to create new places or ministries for new people or the rationale for why you are asking folks to participate>>. To that end we are asking you to take an online survey called Readiness 360.

The Readiness 360 will help us identify opportunities for strengthening our multiplication DNA through assessing our spiritual intensity, dynamic relationships, missional alignment, and cultural openness. After a critical mass within our congregation takes the online survey, we will report back our findings and discover next steps together.

Please click here to log in and type in our congregation’s survey code: <<insert number here>>. Set aside 20 minutes to take the survey between now and <<mm/dd/yy>> at midnight.

If you need help, please contact: <<name, email, phone number>>

Thanks in advance for helping our congregation assess and grow into God’s preferred future.