We had a great experience with the Readiness 360! The guidance offered by the survey was extremely helpful: we were affirmed in our strengths as a congregation and were given ideas on specific areas of potential improvement.
Rev. Jenny HallenbeckEvergreen UMC, Wahpeton, NDI had the opportunity to attend a workshop recently in which Readiness 360 results were distributed. As I sat with members of one of our congregations who conducted the survey last year, I found that they had implemented several helpful recommendations for their ministry they would have never considered without this assessment tool. This confirmed for me the value of Readiness 360 for our churches, and I recommend it accordingly."
Freeman Palmer, Associate Conference Minister for Congregational DevelopmentNew York Conference, United Church of ChristReadiness 360 is a valuable resource that has come at a time when churches are moving away from an expansion-focused strategy for church growth to kingdom-minded multiplication. Readiness 360 is a tool I highly recommend for churches of all sizes and contexts!
Gary Shockley, Congregational Development Team LeaderWestern North Carolina Annual Conference
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